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Sandler Training Orange County | 800-4-BAILEY

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Gwen’s closing rate wasn’t looking good; she had missed quota for three consecutive quarters. She asked her manager Eileen for a little help in figuring out what she could do to improve.

I made this statement about the fact that it's not what we sell that makes us different, it's how we sell it. Although he had heard that Sandler rule before, he was taken back and asked me to repeat it several times. What he began to understand was that to differentiate ourselves in selling situations we often look at the features and benefits of what we're selling. 

Many times, sales people are uncomfortable asking if there is enough money available in the budget to pay for their products or services. When they don't they can waste a lot of time creating proposals for prospects who will end up making no decision at all. Read how you can "qualify" who gets to see your proposals.

I propose a ban on proposals! I find them to be an enormous waste of time as no one has ever in the history of sales purchased anything solely based on the proposal. We unwittingly taught all prospects that they simply have to ask and we will provide them with all the information they need in order to deal with their problem