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Sandler Pocket Coach - Week 3

Most modern-day selling systems and sales management efforts have many deficiencies that hurt sales numbers and forecasts. The Sandler Selling System offers a better selling approach that provides an honest, no-nonsense, dignified approach to selling that places the salesperson firmly in control.

Money Does Grow On Trees – Referral Trees

Money can grow on trees if you take good care of your clients and take measures to ask those clients for referrals, advises Scott Bailey, sales trainer with Sandler Training.

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Taking Money Seriously

Sandler Coach, Will Crist offers the best approach to handling the cost of the prospect’s solution and helping them move toward making a decision.

Talk Less, Listen More

For first dates, people are usually advised to talk only 1/3 of the time and spend the other 2/3 listening to the other person. The same goes for sales. Scott Bailey, sales trainer with Sandler Training, says that by talking less and listening to the client more, you actually are setting the pace of the conversation, making a successful "match" more likely.

Use Third Party Stories

Third party stories remove you and the prospect from the interaction. Stories also facilitate the prospect visualizing the use of your service or product. Using a story when the prospect wants proof of concept increases your credibility. Watch how Sandler trainer, Will Crist recommends using Third Party Stories in a sales call.

Never Ask For the Order; Make the Prospect Give Up

You think you've sold the client on the idea of purchasing the good or service, but asking him flat-out if he wants to close the deal can scream "slimey salesman alert" and send interested clients running the other way. Scott Bailey, sales trainer with Sandler Training, explains how to instead trust that your expert

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