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Networking meetings are not the time to talk about your products or services. This is the time to meet new people. Lots of those people will be trying to sell you what they have, but don't take it personally. Get to know them. Get to know what they like to do, where they are from, what are their hopes and dreams. This means you have to move from person to person to get to know new people. You might chat for a few moments with clients or friends, but the point of networking is to get to know new people; to find out if there is any reason to have a meeting with them. 

This means you won't be selling while you are at the networking meeting. Ask questions. Everyone wants to be heard and understood. People love to talk about themselves. You can learn a lot and develop some great relationships by just listening. 

Do not hand out your business cards to everyone in the room. The only reason to share a card is if someone requests a card from you. I can't begin to count all the cards that have been handed to me for no 

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